Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GRASPing HICP anchors

The acronym, GRASP (General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns or Principles), used in software design (See Wikipedia ) represents the range of considerations and processes involved in creating such systems. When applied to developing a HICP system or method, especially the process of haptic anchoring, it helps to further unpack the concept of "grasping" ( 掴む as much of the felt sense of a sound as possible. The nine principles (from a haptic perspective):
  • Information Expert function - Assign purposes or functions to each aspect or technique (providing explanations to learners concerning the underlying mechanisms)
  • Creator function - Create anchors, which involve movement, sound and touch.
  • Controller function- Identify dynamic aspects of pedagogical movement patterns, including position in the visual field, speed, contact type.
  • Low Coupling function - Create clear, visual and haptic distinctions between sounds
  • High Cohesion function - Use mechanisms that maintain focus and attention
  • Polymorphism function - Anchor allophones of sounds (alternatives, such as dialect or word position variations) 
  • Pure Fabrication function -Haptic anchor exceptions to general rules.
  • Indirection function - Use haptic devices that ensure few if any distractions, such as breathing and eye tracking.
  • Protected Variation function - Maintain haptic "distance" between the L1 and L2 or interlanguage forms. 
Grasp GRASP? It doesn't get any better than that!

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