Thursday, December 22, 2011

Time management and disciplined pronunciation practice

Clip art: Clker
Following up on the previous post on discipline, linked is a nice, concise guide to time management for systems administrators. (Well . . . this is also a pitch for Limoncelli's book!) It is,  basically, the framework I use both for myself and students. Note the order of the tips provided:

(a) Create an interruption schield,
(b) turn chaos into routine,
(c) record all requests (put them on paper, not just in your head),
(d) create daily, prioritized task list, and
(e) document what you hate doing.

Consistent, successful pronunciation improvement for most students requires all five but the last is especially important. That ensures that the difficult and messy problems of life or articulation get addressed, not avoided--and don't continually intrude to distract during pronunciation work. "Documenting" and assigning a priority and due date to them has the almost magical effect of at least buying you time! Practice time outside of class should, ideally, be scheduled in class especially for the constitutionally undisciplined who require external controls to stay in the game (roughly 70% according to research.) Haven't got time to schedule a jog or pronunciation work in class? You're running on borrowed time . . . 

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