Saturday, January 21, 2012

Imaginary haptic "capital" test

Before you read this post, imagine an ideal, imaginary colleague to team teach pronunciation with. DO THAT! . . . 

According to this research by Harms and Luthan, summarized by Science Daily, your imaginary colleague is probably a pretty good depiction of you as well. I have often observed that highly kinaesthetic pronunciation teacher tend to be more positive and "flexible." (HICPers, by and large, seem to be all that plus a bit more systematic, multidisciplinary--with a tinge of wackiness?) The study does make an interesting point, however. Using a protocol called "projective storytelling" the researchers were able to look at aspects of what they term, psychological capital: " . . . a cluster of personality characteristics associated with the ability to overcome obstacles and the tendency to actively pursue one's goals." Those who imagined positive co-workers tended to, themselves, be more positive and proactive in their professional life as well. 

Try this sometime: Visualize a piece of your next haptic-integrated lesson with an imagined model other than yourself teaching it, one who is even more engaging and charismatic--if that is possible! Project yourself in the lesson as a student, being sure to thoroughly lock in to the felt sense of the anchoring as you mirror the pedagogical movement patterns of the "instructor." It will be a reasonably good measure of your current  "haptic capital." (I have a preliminary rubric for that, in fact.) Imagine that . . .

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