Thursday, January 19, 2012

Good haptic anchoring; good intentions

Heard the old saw about the 10 most depressing words in the English language? (I'm from the government and I'm here to help you . . . ) Well, it turns out, according to research by Gray of the Maryland Mind Perception and Morality Lab (summarized by Science Daily) that perceived good intentions DO reduce pain, increase pleasure, and make things taste better! Wow! This is big. Who'd have thought?

Although I generally do not work much with taste--other than occasionally using those tape-like breath sweeteners that dissolve in the mouth with a "Hyper Type-A" who has not the slightest brain-body connection--we do generally manage pain and pleasure well in HICP/EHIEP work. Problem is it is easy to get too inductive and just let the exercises convince and persuade. On this one the cognitive linguists and phonologists are dead on--except in practice they appear to give only "lip service" to affect, relying instead on the "joy" of insight and understanding as the central motivational driver before getting down to changing anything.

The bottom line: Be nice; show them your really care. After all, the road to good anchoring and intelligibility is apparently paved with good intentions!

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